US Navy Mess Attendent 3rd Class Ivery Coldman was born in February 1897, the son of William (July 1871) and Lizzie Coldmon (born January 1875). His father worked as an office laborer in 1900 while his mother worked most of her life as a cook. The family's last name has been spelled various ways such as Colemen, Colman, and Coalman. In 1916, Ivery was living at 708 North Guillemard Street and working as a "box maker" while his mother was still a cook.
After America entered WWI, Ivery enlisted in the US Navy on December 17, 1917 in Montgomery, Alabama. After his initial training, he was assigned to the battleship BB-41, USS Mississippi that had just been commissioned that same month. Ivery served as a 3rd Class Steward during his short naval career. Following her launching, the Mississippi began her sea trials from her home base at Hampton Roads, Virginia. There, Ivery came down with "lobar pneumonia" which in most cases was the result of Spanish Influenza that killed over 50,000,000 people worldwide of which Ivery was one.
His family was notified of his death and his removal from the ship. his ship would weigh anchor and depart Hampton Roads to conduct further sea trials off Cuba four days after his death. As to the fate of USN 3c Ivery Coldmon or his parents from that point on is unknown.
