John Quincy Tyree was born in c1899 and enlisted in the US Navy in Pensacola on March 17, 1917. He was given the rank of Apprentice Seaman and sent to the USS Bushnell in Norfolk, Virginia on April 6th. The Bushnell was a submarine tender but also a "receiving ship" which in those days was the equivalent of your basic training. Within a few weeks, he had been promoted to a Fireman 3rd Class and transferred to the USS Vestal on April 24th. However, after only one day he was forwarded to the USS Prometheus, which was a "repair ship" anchored in Norfolk harbor.
He was there for only a matter of days before he began to experience normal flu-like symptoms such as chills, fever, and fatigue. He was transferred from his ship to the Naval Hospital at Portsmouth where they handled all medical issues for the Norfolk Naval Base. Many of these cases were diagnosed as "pneumonia" especially in the beginning stages of the Spanish Influenza. This virus was so virulent that in many cases the victim began turning blue from their lungs filling with fluid, which in turn suffocated them sometimes as quickly as hours up to just a few days.
Shortly thereafter, John passed away on May 12, 1917 having served his country and given his all. Sadly, there is very little information as to his origins, family or even the destination of his remains. We know his next of kin was listed as L. Godin (most likely Godwin) who lived in Millview, a farming and timber community in Escambia County, Florida. But beyond that, there is nothing.
