In 1833, Oberlin College in Ohio became the first higher learning institution to admit women in the United States. Seventy-two years later in 1905, the Buckman Act in Florida reorganized the six Florida colleges into three separate institutions, which were segregated by race and gender. First of all there was a school for white males, which became the University of Florida. Then, there was a school for white females at the Florida Female College followed by a school for both African American males and females known as the State Normal School for Colored Students. By 1909, the girls school had been changed to the Florida State College for Women. By the end of the 1920's "Teaching and Nursing" were the top two college majors for women followed by "Home Economics." Below are just a few of the Pensacola women that left for college in the summer of 1924 and enrolled in Florida State College for Women. Many from the area would enroll in other institutions but Tallahassee was a lot closer to home and had high creditability with the student's family.

Pensacola Elizabeth Galt Aiken Class of 1925
Bon 1-30-1904 and died on 7-9-1993 and buried in St. John's Cemetery. Daughter of Captain Isaac Hugh Aiken (1864-7-24-1935) and Alexina Galt Chipley (1862-3-31-1944). Father in the tugboat and barge business and died at the wheel of his boat "Nellie." In this life of business was in business with Henry Baars & Co. as wel as a partnership with Dunwoody-Aiken Towboat Co. and the Aiken Towboat Co. Her grandfather was Isaac Means Aiken.

Katherine Hargis Anderson, Class of 1926

Pensacola Aline Osgood Anson
Class of 1926 (photo 1924)

Pensacola Aline Osgood
Anson Class of 1925

Pensacola Lucy Williams Anson,
Lucy Class of 1925 (photo 1924)

Pensacola Lucy Williams Anson,
Pensacola High School Class of 1921

Pensacola Lucy Williams
Anson, Class of 1925

Pensacola Louise Buck Class of 1926

Louise Yonge Buck Class of 1926

Verna Day Pensacola High
School Class of 1921

Pensacola Verna Day Class of 1925

Milton Alice Dempsey, Class of 1926

Pensacola Doris Lemp (left) Class of 1926

Pensacola Mary Lee Mathews, Pensacola
High School Class of 1921

Pensacola Mary Lee Mathews Class of 1925

Clara Elizabeth McCaskill, Pensacola
High School Class of 1921

Pensacola Clara Elizabeth McCaskill Class of 1925

Pensacola Cornelia Moffett, Class of 1926

Miss Portia Phillips, Class of 1928, photo taken
1926, did not finish. Pensacola High
School Class of 1921

Pensacola Katherine Ray, Class of 1926

Pensacola Jamie Reese Class of 1925

Milton Verlie Thelma Robinson Class of 1925
1901-3-11-1976) Buried Milton Cemetery. Married 1941 to Jesse David Thomas (1888-1971), a veteran of WWI and a retired farmer. She is the daughter of Thomas Richard Robinson (1857-1918) and Alice Clara Allen (1865-1950). Verlie taught school at Milton High School and Pensacola.

Pensacola Minnie Rosenbloum Class of 1925

Pensacola Ruth Schornherst, class of 1926

Pensacola Florence Reno Tryan, Class of 1926

Pensacola Gladys Vaughn, Class of 1925

Lyda Tippin Walton, Pensacola
High School Class of 1921

Pensacola Lyda Tippin Walton, Class of 1925