Isaac "Ike" Benjamin Krentzman was born on February 7, 1881 in Russia, the son of John (1858-1916) and Sarah Krentzman. His parents were married in 1879 and immigrated to America in 1884. The year 1910 found the family in New Blocton, Bibb County, Alabama and in Milton by April 1913 working as a dry goods merchant. He married that same year to Juanita Douglas Rogers (1889-1978), a public school teacher and the daughter of an Alabama farmer. Juanita would deliver at least five children in her marriage; Benjamin Krentzman Jr. (1914-1998), Sara Malcom (1916-1991), Carolyn Maples (1919-2008), Bonnie Leah (1922-2008), and Juanita Krentzman. The Isaac Sr. would remain a mercantile and civic leader in Milton for the rest of his life and would pass away suddenly in his home on April 18, 1939. He was buried in the Temple Beth-El Cemetery. His son, Isaac Jr. served in US Army in WWI in the field artillery from March 12, 1941 to May 26, 1946 with thirteen months overseas in the Philippines. He was awarded the Bronze Star and discharged as a Lt. Colonel. He would marry Wilma Louise McMullen in 1946 who would bear him a son, John Arthur Krentzman.
David "Dave" Holmes Melvin was born in Milton on December 21, 1875 in Holt, Florida, the son of a local farmer Joseph and Mary E. Melvin. He married Laura Mack Johnson (1887-1945) in 1904 and they settled in at 306 Berryhill Road. By 1930. she had given birth to Perry David Melvin, Woodrow Maxwell Melvin, John Wesley Melvin, George Francis Melvin, Joseph M. Melvin, and Hiram Mack Melvin.By 1910, he was already a bookkeeper for a department store and by 1920, he was the tax auditor for the Milton Courthouse. He would pass away on June 26, 1948 and was buried in Milton Cemetery next to Laura.
Miss Cordia Anglin was born c1885 in Florida and spent most of her life working the mercantile field. She appears to have been close to her older sister Millie, the wife of Captain Charles Edward Mason who was a steamboat master plying the local waters. Sadly, he passed away in 1924 leaving Millie and Cordia to make their way in Milton. Cordia went to work for Bates Drygoods in 1914 while Millie took in boarders to pay the bills. Over the years she lodged Avis Ward, a teacher and bookkeeper for a garage. In 1940, the two ladies took in James Elliott, a local attorney and Edward Williamson, another teacher. That same year, Cordia opened a ladies dress shop that flourished in the area. She was putting in 60 hours per week, but the bills were getting paid. Cordia passed away on June 18, 1955 and joined her brother in law in Milton Cemetery. Millie would join them on June 3, 1965.

Isaac B. Krentzman obit 1939

Isaac B. Krentzman Jr., University of Florida 1935

Bonnie Leah Krentzman, FSU 1941 (Freshman)

Juanita Rogers Krentzman, FSU 1946 (Sophomore)

David Holmes and Laura Mack
Johnson Melvin, Milton Cemetery

Gravesite of Miss Cordia Anglin, Milton Cemetery