Kupfrian's Park - this was a recreational area located west and south of the present Baptist Hospital. It extended northwest from a baseline running from "N" and Gonzalez Street to "I" and Blount Streets. It was connected to downtown Pensacola by a rail line.
Little Bayou - today's Bayou Chico
Luke's Alley - an alley way located in the "Hawkshaw" neighborhood that ran two blocks west of 9th Avenue from Aragon north to Chase Street.
Marine Hospital - a hospital for sailors located at the corner of Main and Reus Streets.
Morro Castle - a ballpark surrounded by residences bounded on the south and west by Cervantes and "E" Streets.
New City - the plat of land encompassing the southern portion of East Hill down to the bay.
Old Mill Inn - a high end resort located on West Bayshore Dr. and named for a nearby defunct paper mill. The hotel's proprietor was Lillie S. Taylor until it burned down in 1917.
Olivia Street - Now "A" Street north of West Garden Street
Petterson's Station - West Cypress Street was originally called Petterson Street and named for the owner of the property that's located northwest of the present Pensacola Yacht Club. There was a station there on the property for the Pensacola Electric Streetcar "Dummy" line.
Pearl Egan Home - located at 708 Hernandez Street and was a home for elderly women. It was named after and administered by Pearl Lappington Egan, sister of a well-known Pensacola entrepreneur of his day, George L. Lappington. He was the the manager of the American Naval Stores Company and her husband was a lawyer and future US Attorney John Eagan. In 1893, she laid down in bed because of a headache with a bottle of laudanum. The fumes rendered her unconscious and she passed away from asphyxiation. The Pearl L. Egan Orphanage (also spelled Eagan) was also connected with her work.
Poor Farm - this was a home for indigent citizens that had no means of support. I believe it was once located south of where the Escambia County Sheriff's Office is now.
Roberts, Florida - located north of Pensacola near Gonzalez, Florida. Roberts Cemetery is still in use today.
Russell's Hall - a prominent black meeting hall on Luke's Avenue east of Tarragona Street.
Saunder's Mill - a lumber mill located in the Goulding community at Texar and Interstate I-110.
The Alger-Sullivan Lumber Mill in Century - Edward A. Hauss (below) was sent to Century, Florida by his uncle, Colonel Frank Hecker who was a principal in the Alger-Sullivan Lumber Company. Hauss was soon running the company as well as the town of Century. Such was his influence that every detail of Century's society was run by Hauss including the color of the houses.

Colonel Frank Hecker's home in Century is still standing today. Few modernizations have been added to the 1906 home known by the name of "Tannenheim," which sat in the middle of 200 acres of timbered woodlands.