Occasionally, a younger Pensacolian will notice a strange name or hear of an unknown community that had been located somewhere within Escambia County and wonder "where is that?" But the Pensacola landscape has changed many, many times over the years and its important to remember the way it once was! Below are just some of the old places that once were! Our thanks to Jerry Fischer and Neal Collier for their portion of this information.
Barrineau Camp - A lumber camp in the general area of what is now called Barrineau Park, northwest of Cantonment on the Perdido River.
Bay Point, Florida - Area of the old Rosasco Family Plantation in Santa Rosa County, on the west side of the peninsula below Bagdad.
Bear's Alley - Also called Pfeiffer's Alley and was the first street south of Government Street, running west from Reus Street and is presently Fort Street.
Bell's Head - An area north of Michigan Avenue, west of Crescent Lake and located generally at the head of Bell's stream, which ran into Crescent Lake.
Big Bayou - now called "Bayou Grande" bordering the Naval Air Station.
Bohemia - A community bounded by Escambia Bay and halfway between Gull Point on the north and Gaberone on the south. There used to be a railroad station on the Pensacola & Alabama Railroad there. The origin of the name "Bohemia" came from Henry Hyer who was born in 1792 in Bavaria and came to this country from his native land of Germany with his wife Julia Kopman sometime before 1845. He built her a palatial home off today’s Scenic Highway that he named “Bohemia” after his wife’s homeland.
Butcher Pen Pond - also known as Fielding's Butcher Pen Pond" located in West Pensacola north and south of West Cervantes Street and was also called "Lake Ruby."
DeSilva's Mill - a lumber mill located at the corner of East Main Street and Barracks Street.
Delta, Florida - a community on Escambia Bay located between Ferry Pass and the mouth of Escambia River and had its own Post Office between 1897-1906.
Fisherville - located from Cypress Street to Pensacola Bay from "E" Street to "K" Street.
Frascati Dueling Grounds - located near 17th Avenue and Gregory street.
Godwin's Village - located between 9th Avenue and 12th Avenue on Carpenter's Creek.
Goulding - a community centered at today's Texar Drive and Interstate 110. Was originally a 100 acre with a railroad freight marshaling yard.
Hannah Alley - the first street south of Garden Street that ran from Reus Street to Coyle Street.
McDavid, Florida

The J. R. Parker General Store in McDavid 1912: Levy Brewton is on the wagon and John Campbell is on the horse. Standing L to R: Unknown, Bill Hall, Ted Lambeth, unknown, unknown, Charles MCauley, Dudley and father J. R. Parker (owner), Willard Thompkins, and Cryler Brewton.

Home and family of the store's owner John Richard Parker 1912: L to R: Dudley, J. R., Edith, Billy, and his wife Florence Rebecca Bell Parker John Richard "J. R." Parker was born on April 30, 1869 in Escambia County, Alabama, the son of a farmer in Brewton. He would pass away on May 3, 1953 (aged 84) in Escambia County, Florida, and was buried in the Union Cemetery in Brewton. His wife Florence joined him in 1962.
Flomaton, Alabama

In 1905, President Teddy Roosevelt visited the small railroad town of Flomaton, Alabama across the state line from Century, Florida. In 1914, President Woodrow Wilson's train stopped and he came out onto the platform and spoke to the local citizens. (Above in center on the platform).