The Thiesen Building is located at 40 South Palafox Street on the northeast corner of Palafox Street and Romana Street. Built in 1901, it became Pensacola's tallest and first multi-story building. It was also the first building to have a steam operated elevator since it was so tall. It was financed and built by a local businessman from Denmark by the name of Christen Ustrup Thiesen. His journey to Pensacola began aboard a Danish ship where he served as the navigator. In 1882, the ship anchored in Pensacola Bay and he went ashore with his comrades. However, there was a Yellow Fever epidemic in progress and he became infected with the dreaded disease. Out of abject fear his comrades sailed away leaving the poor stricken sailor to his fate. But little did he know what the fates had in store for him. He recovered and set about adjusting to his new life in Pensacola. Sadly, one of the local saloon owners, Bernard F. Lehnkuhl died from the disease, which opened the door for Thiesen to get a job tending in his bar. That door opened a little further in 1884 when he married Gesine Emilie Lupkes Lehnkuhl, the man's widow thereby replacing poor Bernard as owner of the bar. The bar was located on the southwest corner of Intendencia and Baylen Streets. Emilie would bear Thiesen four children, but died in childbirth on January 21, 1900. Thiesen would remarry Effie Lee Mitchell within a year after Emilie's death. Effie was the daughter of Civil War veteran, Dr. Thomas Snead Mitchell and Willis Susan Cooper. Her brothers Edgar (Louisiana) and Clifford Ray (Pensacola) were both renown doctors plus her sister Stella was the wife of Judge Henry T. Matthews. Christen would pass away himself on May 28, 1934 and was buried beside Emilie in St. Michael's Cemetery. Effie would pass away four years later and was buried in St. John's Cemetery.

Born Denmark on November 24, 1856
and died Pensacola, FL 5-28-1934

Gesine Emilie Lupkes Thiesen (1861-1900)

The Thiesen Building at 40 South Palafox Street c1910

Stationary of Christen Thiesen 1911

Christen's liquor business at his saloon
at 200 South Baylen Street at the corner
of West Intendencia and Baylen Streets