Leonard Curtis Barlow was born on May 12, 1920, the son of Loyd H. Barlow and Frances Reid. His father supported his large family as a farmer in the Jay community while the older children helped him with the farm work. Leonard enlisted in the Army on January 9, 1942 and was sent to Camp Blanding, FL. for processing and training. He was assigned as an infantryman to the 383rd Infantry regiment with the 96th Division. By the time of the Okinawa invasion, he was already a veteran of the battle for Leyte in the Philippines. He and his regiment soon boarded their transports on March 27, 1945 and sailed for Okinawa, landing on the 1st of April. Their landing was unopposed by design because of what lay in wait for them inland. As they advanced on Kakazu Ridge on April 7th the fighting turned fierce. The ridge was formed by two hills with a connecting saddle that formed part of the Japanese outer defenses. The enemy had prepared their positions well and fought tenaciously from their fortified caves. As the American assault stalled, the enemy decided to take the offensive. On the evening of April 12th the Japanese attacked the American positions across the entire front. The Japanese attack was heavy, sustained, and well organized causing tremendous casualties for the Americans. Private Barlow from Milton was one of those killed that day. Buried in a makeshift cemetery, his body would be returned home to his family in 1949. He was buried in the Cora Baptist Cemetery where he rests with his family today.

Private Leonard Curtis Barlow, KIA April 12, 1945, Okinawa

Buried 1949 in the Cora Baptist Cemetery,
Jay, Santa Rosa County, Florida

Battle of Okinawa, April 1945, 383rd Infantry Regiment