Florida State College for Women contributed to the war effort of WWII in many ways to include those killed in the performance of their military duties. But their first casualty was Lt. Marion Clark Phillips of Orlando, FL. An Army nurse, she had already served in North Africa in 1943 and then in the Italian campaign in 1944 and 1945. She graduated from FSCW in 1932 and was a member of Kappa Alpha Theta. She was the daughter of Louis Ross and Theresa H Phillips and was assigned to Station Hospital #114. On February 2, 1945, the 29-year old nurse was aboard a C-47 troop carrier three miles southwest of Montieri, Italy when it crashed and burned. Lt. Phillips' body was returned home and buried in the Greenwood Cemetery in Orlando, Florida.

Florida State College for Women Class of 1932

US Army Casualty Report February 10, 1945

2Lt. Marion C. Phillips Grave
Greenwood Cemetery, Orlando Fl