The Veterans of Foreign Wars also known as the VFW began in 1899 shortly after the end of the Spanish-American War. During this same period of time, the Spanish American War veterans, the Grand Army of the Republic, and the Confederate veterans were all forming their own organizations. These veterans were all trying to band together to commiserate with others who had experience the same horrors of war that they themselves had gone through. Similar experiences and a common language drew them together. The VFW was established on September 29, 1899 alongside several others striving to accomplish the same endeavors. Their mission was to "speed rehabilitation of the nation’s disabled and needy veterans, assist veterans’ widows and orphans and the dependents of needy or disabled veterans, and promote Americanism by means of education in patriotism and by constructive service to local communities."
Pensacola hosted all at one time the organizations of the veterans of the Confederacy, Grand Army of the Republic, Spanish American War and soon after those of World War I.

Pensacola News Journal Article of 7-8-1921

Pensacola News Journal Article of 7-9-1921